...a beloved son, brother, uncle, and friend. He went to "live it up" with Jesus on Tuesday, March 17, 2009. Brandon wrote this journal on a mission trip to India where he learned what it means to truly be a "follower of Christ." He planned to tell everyone he could about what god taught him while he was on this trip, but our Creator had a more perfect way of telling Brandon's story.
Even through the grief, his family's only request was that life prevails over death - that Brandon's story would win more people to Christ. This journal was put together by friends and family so that his vision could be shared to a multitude of people. Brandon was a messenger, a disciple. He was the person he challenges us to be in this journal. This is not just a sequence of events from his trip to India but rather a challenge that we cannot take lightly.
In the words of Christ, echoed by Brandon, "Go. Make. Baptize. There is no excuse. We have been given all of the methods in doing so. Our heart will determine what we do with it. There is such a bigger picture that our safe and free America."